Nepal Coins - Inscription meaning on paisa coin JohanvanZyl - Jul 13, 2004 - 03:56 AM Post subject: Inscription meaning on paisa coin
Good morning to the forumites! I wish to ask a question concerning a rather common ONE PAISA coin of Nepal, dated VS 1968 (1911 AD). I cannot give an image here because of lack of facilities, but I am sure most of you know this coin from experience. It is made of copper, and has a square on each side. On one side there is the date below the square. My question: I would very much like to understand the Nepali inscription lying within the square, on each side.
I THINK it probably bears the name of the ruling prime minister (Jung Bahadur) who was in power at that time, and, on the other side probably the name of the maharaja? The little symbol that appears at the top of each side, above the squares, probably means "shri" which I assume to be some kind of title.
Please be so kind as to explain the inscriptions to me. I will be very grateful.
basnes - Sep 28, 2004 - 05:05 AM Post subject:
The paisa (VS 1968) that you refer to is # 1315 in the Rhodes, Gabrisch and Valdettaro catalog. It is from the reign of King Prithvi Bir Bikram Shah (1881-1911 AD).
The obverse has a Shri above the square. In the square there are three lines, which read:
5 Prithvi Bi
r Bikram
Saha Dev
(Shri 5 Prithvi Bir Bikram Shah Dev)
The date is under the square
In the reverse, Shri is above the square. The square has three lines of text, which read:
Pasu Pa
ti Nath
(Shri Pashupatinath Nepal)
As far as I know, the names of the Rana Prime Ministers did not appear in any coin.
Hope this helps.
JohanvanZyl - Sep 28, 2004 - 06:00 AM Post subject: Thanks for information
Basnes, thank you very much indeed for your kind reply. I appreciate it sincerely!
JohanvanZyl - Sep 30, 2004 - 06:32 AM Post subject: Some more information, please
Basnes, you have been so kind! I have studied your previous reply and have reworked my notes, as you have kindly pointed out some mistakes I had made.
I would like to learn more, namely the real meaning of the symbol "Shri". On the obverse I assume the figure "5" is connected to the "Shri", like in "5 times Shri". Is that correct? Also, in the words PRITHVI BIR BIKRAM SHAH DEV, which of these words give the actual name of the king? I take it SHAH means "king"? And the others? I don't think DEV is part of his name.
Like in my own name JOHANVANZYL, "Johan" is my first name, and "van Zyl" is my surname.
Also, what is the meaning of PASHUPATINATH?
Please pardon my ignorance. I hope to hear from you soon.