Nepal Coins - Extras List? tbirde56 - Jun 11, 2003 - 11:06 AM Post subject: Extras List?
Do you have a list of your Nepalese coin extras for sale or trade
sagar1908 - Jun 11, 2003 - 10:28 PM Post subject: Extras List?
The list is at: - Jun 12, 2003 - 03:42 AM Post subject: Extras List?
tbirde, personally I don't have any extras right now (no Nepalese extras, that is). But if you are interested I will let you know when I find some - we can always do a trade.
- Marcel
Anonymous - May 02, 2004 - 04:57 AM Post subject:
MadMuffin wrote:
tbirde, personally I don't have any extras right now (no Nepalese extras, that is). But if you are interested I will let you know when I find some - we can always do a trade.
- Marcel
dear friends,
i am also mad collector of nepalese coins, i will be really glad to include to the group, it is always nice to find a new friends with he same hobby. and truth is that i miss a lot of interesting coins of nepal so nice is to complete my coleection. if there is any interest in exchanging with me just let me know.
my id is bobanek, i am from Czech republic
yours robert
Admin - May 02, 2004 - 08:11 PM Post subject:
Robert, Please post your want list here... It will be easier to search for the items then.
bobanek - Jun 22, 2004 - 10:24 AM Post subject:
here is my basic want list, sure i need a lot of more but these are from 80ties and younger so i hope much more possible to find.
If oyu can help me with any, i will be really glad.
By the way, where do you live?
10 paise 1979 km 811 international year of the child
50 paisa 1981 km 824 international year of disabled persons
1 rupee 1984 km 1019 family planning
5 rupees 1982,3 km 1009 regular
1985 km 1023 Year of Youth
10 rupees 1995 km 1089 FAO
JohanvanZyl - Jul 23, 2004 - 09:04 AM Post subject: I also collect
Hi everone! I am a collector of coins and of kukris. I have a great desire to obtain some Nepalese coins displaying the kukri. I have seen in the Krause-Mitchner catalogue thare there are a number of Nepalese coins that have either a single kukri or crossed kukris on them, as part of their design. I was wondering if it was possible for one of you to help me in obtaining a dozen or even only a half-dozen different examples of these coins. I could make up a package containing South African coins in exchange. That is the country where I am from. I can make my physical mailing address available in a next post, to someone who is willing to help. I do hope we can make a deal. Go well, guys!
sagar1908 - Jul 24, 2004 - 11:52 AM Post subject:
Glad to know that you are interested in Nepal coins with kukri. Most of the Tribhuvana Vira Vikrama copper coins Paisa one, two and five issued from 1921 to 1941 are with kukri on it. Few Anonymous coins issued from 1953 to1957 are also with Kukri. I can trade quite a few of these if you are interested.
JohanvanZyl - Jul 27, 2004 - 04:52 AM Post subject: Let's make contact, Sagar
Whew! I have struggled for at least 3 hours just to get into this forum this morning, to reply to your kind post, Sagar. Dunno what's wrong. Yesterday I couldn't get in at all. Now that I'm in, I need to give you my e-mail address urgently so that we can make easier contact and speak further on a possible exchange of coins. Here's my address:
Please e-mail me so that I can get your e-mail address and we can discuss things. I propose that we agree to send one another a package of coins for our mutual benefit. It'll be nice hearing from you, and striking a deal at last!