This tool will allow you to keep track of when eBay auctions are going to end so you can browse around our other items. You'll need to spend a few seconds adding the "Auction Reminder" button to your browser's toolbar. Follow the simple steps below.
A. Prepare your Browser
Make sure your Links Toolbar is showing. If you cannot see it, go to the View > Toolbars > Links menu to make it appear.
If the "Links" toolbar isn't fully showing, click and hold on "Links" while moving it to create more space.
To remove any unwanted buttons, right click on the name and select "Delete".
Place your mouse pointer over the "Auction Reminder" link above.
Press down the left mouse button and hold.
Drag to the "Links" bar - your pointer symbol will change.
Release the mouse to create the link as a button on your toolbar.
C. All done!
You're now ready to use Auction reminder. Just click the "Auction Reminder" link in your browser from any eBay page and the timer window will popup. Enjoy!